When it comes to computer repair, some people believe in misconceptions that often lead to more computer problems. That’s why we’re here, Teko.ph, the largest aircon, appliance, and computer services provider in the Philippines, with a list of some computer repair myths you need to know.
Debunking Repair Myths for Computers
Have you ever heard of these beliefs when it comes to laptop or computer repair? We’ve listed some below, plus recommendations to help solve the issues.
Computer Repair Myth 1: Formatting the hard drive erases data completely.
When you format your computer’s storage device, it is not completely removed from the disk. You can still recover this using specialized data recovery software or technique.
You’ll need to use data erasure methods to overwrite the data on the disk multiple times. We recommend seeking a computer technician’s expertise to help you if it involves sensitive data.
Computer Repair Myth 2: You can fix a water-damaged laptop with rice.
It’s a Filipino thing—soaking any gadget in rice can remove moisture. While it’s a popular DIY fix, it may not always be effective. Rice can absorb some moisture, but it can also get stuck in the ports or openings of your laptop or other computer parts.
When your laptop gets wet, immediately dry it with a soft cloth. Don’t turn it on, and then take out the removable parts like the battery. Call a computer technician to fix it, and just let it air dry while waiting.
Computer Repair Myth 3: Dust removal can fix your computer’s internal components.
Yes, using compressed air can remove dust and dirt! Yes, it can prevent overheating and reduce fan noise. But it does not resolve software or hardware problems.
Blowing dust using compressed air is usually part of the computer repair process, especially if components must be removed. You may also request this with your computer technician.
Computer Repair Myth 4: Leaving laptops charging all day will damage the battery.
Many modern laptops now have built-in systems to help manage their battery health. You may unplug your laptop once in a while so it can go through the charge cycle.
Also, avoid letting the battery drop to 0%. Make sure to plug it back in between 20-80%.
Computer Repair Myth 5: Reinstalling your operating system can fix any computer problem.
You may think that the ultimate solution to solving any computer issue is by reinstalling or updating the OS. It can resolve software-related problems and stability issues, but it’s a drastic step.
Make sure to backup your files before doing this. Also, it’s best to consult a computer technician to assess your computer first.
Repairing Your Computer Requires Expertise
Nowadays, it’s easy (and tempting!) to DIY computer repair. You can just do an online search and try the solutions. But if you have no experience, tools, and enough confidence to do it, it’s best to consult a professional!
With Teko, a certified computer technician can visit your location to provide the best on-site computer repair services in Metro Manila. You can rest assured that they will efficiently resolve the problem, minus the myths! Just book via our website online anytime.