Home Appliances

6 Maintenance Tips for Your Water Heater Tank

2 Mins read

In the Philippines, having access to hot water is a necessity, especially during the rainy season. We rely on our water heater tanks to provide the comforting warmth we need. However, just like any other appliance, water heaters require regular maintenance to ensure their optimal performance and prevent unexpected breakdowns. We’re Teko.ph, the largest aircon and appliance services provider in the Philippines, with six maintenance tips to help you keep your water heater tank in top shape and extend its lifespan.

Regularly check for leaks

Leaks can indicate a potential issue with your water heater tank. You should check the pipes, valves, and other fittings around the tank for leaks and corrosion. If you notice any leaks, promptly address them to prevent further damage and minimize water wastage.

Drain the tank regularly

Over time, sediment and mineral deposits can build up inside the tank. This can reduce the efficiency and lifespan of the unit. To drain the tank, turn off the power or gas supply to the heater first. Then, connect a hose to the tank’s drain valve, and let the water run out. We recommend doing this at least once a year.

Check the anode rod

The anode rod is a critical component of your water heater that helps prevent rust and corrosion. Hence, the rod can corrode or deteriorate, which can cause expensive damage to the water heater. It’s essential to check the anode rod regularly and replace it if necessary. You can do this by turning off the power or gas supply to the heater, draining water from the tank, then inspecting the rod inside.

Insulate exposed pipes

Hot water travels from the water heater tank to your faucets through these pipes. Insulating them helps retain the heat, resulting in energy efficiency.

Also, when hot water takes longer to reach your faucet due to heat loss in the pipes, you may waste cold water while waiting for it to heat up. Insulating the pipes reduces this waiting time, minimizing water wastage.

Inspect the pressure relief valve

 The valve is designed to release excess pressure to prevent explosions or damage. Regular inspections ensure the valve functions properly and effectively relieve pressure when needed. Malfunctions or blockages can lead to pressure buildup, increasing the risk of tank failure or explosions. By inspecting the valve, you can ensure it is in good condition and can relieve pressure as required.

Schedule annual maintenance

Even if you’re diligent about maintaining your water heater tank, it’s important to have it professionally serviced once a year. Book a certified water heater technician to inspect your unit and perform necessary repairs or maintenance. This will help ensure that your water heater is functioning correctly, safely and prolong its lifespan.

Water Heater Tank Maintenance Tips: Conclusion

Your water heater tank is an essential appliance in your home, but it requires maintenance to avoid water heater problems. Finally, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your water heater. We highly recommend calling a certified water heater technician for proper inspection and maintenance of your unit. Remember, regular maintenance is key to avoiding costly repairs and enjoying an uninterrupted hot water supply!