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Dos & Don’ts When You Have a Broken TV Screen

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It can really be distracting and annoying to watch your favorite show from a broken TV screen. Although the unit works, your experience is not the same anymore. If you don’t have enough budget yet for a replacement, we’ve got you! We’re Teko.ph, the largest aircon and appliance services provider in the Philippines, with some dos and don’ts when you have a broken TV screen.

Dos When You Have a Broken TV Screen

  • Do stop using the TV immediately

When you notice your TV screen is broken, turn it off and unplug it as a safety precaution. This will prevent potential electrical hazards and further damage to the internal components.

  • Do assess the damage

After turning it off, carefully examine the extent of the damage. Look for cracks, shattered glass, or distorted images.

  • Do document the damage

Once you notice signs of TV damage, take a picture or video of the broken TV screen. This will be helpful if you need to file a warranty claim or discuss it with a TV technician.

  • Do contact your manufacturer

Check the TV’s receipt or warranty card to see if it’s still under warranty. Depending on the nature of the damage, they may offer a TV repair or replacement, or advise you on how to proceed.

  • Do contact a TV technician

Especially if you need to use the TV immediately, find a reputable repair service first. A professional repair can often be more affordable than buying a brand-new TV. It can also give your TV a longer lifespan! Remember to ask for a quote before committing to any repair service.

Don’ts When You Have a Broken TV Screen

  • Don’t attempt DIY repairs

It’s always best to avoid fixing a broken TV screen if you don’t have the necessary expertise and knowledge. In fact, it can even cause more harm than good! Also, it can be dangerous if you don’t have the right tools to handle it.

  • Don’t touch or apply pressure to the damaged screen

The broken screen may have sharp edges or glass fragments that can cause injury if touched. Also, applying pressure or touching it may worsen the crack or cause it to shatter, making the repair more costly!

  • Don’t delay seeking professional help

Your broken TV screen will not magically repair itself! Prompt action is crucial when dealing with a broken TV screen. Delaying repairs may even lead to further damage. Contact a Teko TV technician at your earliest convenience.

Handling A TV With Broken Screen

Remember, when faced with a broken TV screen, knowing the dos and don’ts is important. Do handle the situation carefully, and don’t attempt to fix it unless you have the necessary expertise. Your best bet is to book a certified TV technician who can provide the right solutions. Remember these tips to ensure a smooth and safe resolution for your TV screen troubles!